Debrief on 2.4 – 2.5

Debrief on 2.4 – 2.5

Clawful Evil: Probable Claws
Clawful Evil: Probable Claws
Debrief on 2.4 - 2.5

Calling all crabs!

Welcome to the new episode of Clawful Evil: Probable Claws! Join your hostesses Kippos & viceVersailles as they interrogate Wildbow’s latest webserial, the crime procedural Claw. We join you for weekly episodes (Probable-ly) as more chapters and crimes come to light!

Clawful Evil is available on Apple PodcastsSpotify, Amazon Music, Youtube and the RSS feed. Please give us a rating on your preferred platform(s), it’ll really help reach more witnesses!

The Rap Sheet summary of crimes is still to come, but contributions are welcome in the comments: if you have information about the prosecutable crimes in Claw, feel free to share!

Discussion Question: 

What would be your priorities, if our world ends up where Claw’s is? Alternatively: if you had a spy satellite, what would you use it for?

You can read Claw here.

Discuss the episode here.